Free Virtual Story Time
Enjoy free read aloud videos, finger play nursery rhyme songs and book discussions to build comprehension, analysis skills and character education.
Plan Family Service Activities
You have the power to make bedtime stories a reality for a family in need. If you can sell lemonade, baked goods or crafts, you can host a fundraiser with your family to donate books to kids in need. Make charitable giving and community service part of your family’s routine. Download my free no prep toolkit to get started today.
Eat Good-Mood Food
Did you know that food can change your mood? While there are many factors that lead to feelings of anxiety and depression, food is fuel and can enhance a “good” mood or exacerbate a “bad” mood. Some foods and drinks increase feelings of anxiety and depression, while others can increase feelings of calmness and wellbeing.
Transform Your Mood
Do you ever feel angry, sad, jealous, insecure, anxious, afraid or disappointed? Learn the positive purpose behind your “negative” emotions and how to listen to your feelings and express them in positive and productive ways.